Bottled Water Matters

Consumers are still choosing bottled water

Despite many of the inaccuracies perpetuated into the media about bottled water, consumers know better when it comes to the facts about this valued product: people appreciate the convenience, the healthfulness, and good taste of bottled water brands.

They drink it on-the-go, during exercise, at restaurants or meetings, and at home or the office.

How much bottled water do Americans consume? To the tune of 8.8 billion gallons in 2007, up 6.9 percent from last year.  Per capita, that’s 29.3 gallons, up about two gallons from last year (nice to see we’re staying hydrated).

Additionally, the wholesale dollar revenue for bottled water exceeded $11.7 billion in 2007, up 7.8 percent over the year prior.

Take note, too: bottled water safety and quality result from multiple layers of regulation and standards at the federal, state and industry levels.

Taken together, these numbers show that U.S. bottled water sales and consumption continue to rise as consumers increasingly choose bottled water over other beverages.

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