Bottled Water Matters

“Bottlemania” Dilutes the Real Environmental and Drinking Water Challenges and Opportunities

A new book, “Bottlemania,” used the bottled water industry as a launch-point for what could have been an instructive view on the importance of drinking water and environmental protection and sustainability.  Rather, the book presents a misinformed, slanted view of the bottled water industry that will only confuse consumers who choose the healthy benefits of bottled water and misdirect what should be an all-encompassing, science-based approach to environmental policy. 

The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) stands ready to assist journalists prepare their bottled coverage.  As the authoritative voice on all issues concerning the bottled water industry, IBWA is the leading resource for bottled water information and facts and can provide access to staff experts in a variety of areas, as well as independent third-party experts for interviews and expertise on water related topics, including: 

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