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News & Media

A Bottled Water Ban Inconveniences A Graduation

Washington University got a taste of the inconvenience a bottled water ban causes during its graduation ceremony on Friday.

The school has a ban on bottled water sales and distribution on campus, which was temporarily lifted for commencement, the St. Louis Post Dispatch said. WashU spokeswoman Sue McGinn told reporter…

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Aquanomy: The Connisseurship of Bottled Water

Woman’s Day magazine doesn’t buy the bottled water backlash. It does, however, buy bottled water, just like the millions of others around the globe who do so. Health or fashion sense, bottled water is the trend these days, the magazine says.

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Florida Bottled Water Tax Grounded

Florida legislators took the right course of action by voting down a tax increase on bottled water, which would have unfairly singled out one of many industries that use plastic packaging. Bottled Water Matters applauds lawmakers for striking this potentally damaging legislation.

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Bottled Water - small water use, big health benefits

This cool video shows how bottled water is a very small and very efficient water user that spares people of billions of calories when they choose to drink water over other packaged drinks.

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