Where’s The Water?

I’m sitting in class trying to ignore the pangs of thirst creeping through my throat. All I want is a long gulp of cool water. My mouth feels like the Sahara Desert. In the middle of class I can’t stand it any longer and leave to find a water fountain.

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Get the Facts: Bottled Water does not Contribute to Tooth Decay

Let’s be clear about this up front – there is absolutely no correlation between consumption of bottled water and an increase in cavities in adults or children. Even the American Dental Association’s spokesman, Dr. Jonathan Shenkin, makes that fact perfectly clear.

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OUR VIEW: Bottled water offers choice

The first two resolutions that require a municipality to become a Blue Community are obvious – recognizing water as a human right and promoting publicly financed, owned and operated water and wastewater services go without saying…

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Bottled Water Gets a Bad Rap

These drink cases are from a local convenience store.   There are three cases of all other kinds of flavored drinks compared to one case with water.  So why is the bottled water industry vilified?

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Bottled Water - small water use, big health benefits

This cool video shows how bottled water is a very small and very efficient water user that spares people of billions of calories when they choose to drink water over other packaged drinks.

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