Aquaman actor Jason Momoa recently shaved some of his famously long hair to draw attention to his calls for people to stop using “single-use” plastic — especially bottled water. It doesn’t take much to see through this baseless environmental ploy. First, Mr. Momoa...
IBWA Advocacy Report – September 14, 2020
Pennsylvania: IBWA Continues Push for Bills Streamlining Oversight of the Bottled Water Industry IBWA recently held several virtual meetings with members of the Pennsylvania legislature to promote passage of HB 1971 and 1972, bills that would move regulatory oversight...
IBWA Advocacy Report – August 25, 2020
IBWA Provides Oral Comments to USDA and HHS on DGAC Scientific Report The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held a virtual meeting on August 11 to hear oral comments on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory...
IBWA Advocacy Report – August 10, 2020
CDC Revises Guidance After IBWA and Congressional Outreach Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised guidance to businesses reopening offices regarding proper safety measures to consider as employees return to work. In May, the CDC...
Instructions for downloading the IBWA Grassroots Action Center mobile app
Mobile App InstructionsInternational Bottled Water Association has updated our advocacy offerings to include a brand new grassroots action center app that can be accessed on your Smartphone! THREE EASY STEPS TO DOWNLOAD APP1. Search for "votervoice" (one word) in your...
Meet Norman
A very cool video-scribing technique used to depict "Norman" -- an average man living an average life in an average town; until one day a small but vocal group of people convince his town council to ban the sale of bottled water. You'll be surprised to see what...

Team USA’s Lightest Basketball Jerseys Ever Are Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles
Made from 96% recycled polyester, Nike says the jerseys that Team USA will wear for the 2012 Olympics in London are the lightest jerseys it has ever made. On top of that…
Really? The Claim: Drinking Water Can Help Lower the Risk of Diabetes.
There are many reasons to stay properly hydrated, but only recently have scientists begun to consider diabetes prevention one of them. The amount of water you drink can play a role in how your body regulates blood sugar, researchers have found.