Bottled Water Matters

Atlanta Commuters Pick Bottled Water

Well now isn’t this interesting.  Bottled water: Healthy?  Who knew!?!?

We of course mean that rather cynically.  And Atlanta commuters on the MARTA trains understand just as we do: That bottled water is a healthy, convenient option when you’re thirsty. 

From the Atlanta Business Chronicle, in a story headlined, “MARTA concessions survey shows preference for healthy foods”:

An internal survey of more than 1,100 passengers conducted in late August and early September found that bottled water would be the most popular food or beverage if the transit agency decides to sell concessions at MARTA rail stations.

Nearly 80 percent of the respondents said they would buy bottled water from MARTA if it were available.

Get the full article and other stats at the ABC’s Web site.

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